Committee on Marine Geo-disaster and Geo-environment

History and Background

The development of marine resources (e.g., oil and gas resources, hydrates, polymetallic nodules, rare earths) and energy (e.g., wind power, tidal energy, wave energy) and the protection of marine geo-environment are global hot topics, and these activities inevitably require corresponding engineering construction, of which marine geo-disaster assessment and geo-environment monitoring are receiving increasing attention from the academic and industrial communities. Marine geo-disasters refer to geological events that occur in shoreline and estuarine areas, as well as the continental shelf and deep sea, and examples of such hazards include earthquakes, seabed instabilities, liquefaction, submarine landslides, and consequent tsunamis, coastal erosion, port and channel siltation, seawater intrusion, etc. Marine geo-disasters are nurtured in the marine geological environment that includes the hydrodynamic environment, sedimentary environment and engineering geological conditions. With the frequent occurrence of global extreme weather events and large-scale engineering construction, the marine geological environment continues to deteriorate, and the frequency and scale of marine geo-disasters have increased, causing a large number of casualties, huge economic losses and damage to engineering facilities. Therefore, it is urgent to build a global communicating platform for academic and industrial communities to jointly ensure the development of marine geo-disaster assessment and geo-environment related undertakings, direct the development of marine resources and energy, and strengthen the awareness of global geo-environment protection.


Aims and Perspectives

Therefore, based on the above-mentioned demands, it is urgent to establish a committee on Marine Geo-disaster and Geo-environment within ICGdR (International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction). The main objectives of this committee are to: (1) develop in-situ monitoring and investigating technologies and means for marine geo-disasters, geo-environment and hydrodynamic environment; (2) design and develop advanced laboratory unit and model experiment technologies to reveal the triggering mechanisms and quantitative parameters of marine geo-disasters and geo-environment; (3) establish efficient numerical simulation methods to predict the spatial and temporal development of marine geo-disasters and geo-environment; (4) commit to the fusion and analysis of massive data and the interactive development of virtual reality to serve the assessment and early warning for marine geo-disasters; (5) provide the best scheme for the prevention and control of marine geo-disasters. The committee also encourages all participants to facilitate tight cooperation between international organizations, global stakeholders, local and regional governments, universities and scientific academies, and advanced enterprises.



Xiaolei Liu, Dr. Prof., College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, China


Vice Chair:

Dawei Wang (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, China

Jianhong Ye (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS, China

Zhen Guo (, Dr., Associate Prof., Tongji University, China

Zhigang Shan (, Professor Engineer, Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, China


Advisory Board:

Nicola Casagli (, Dr., Prof., University of Florence, Italy

Qiuhua Liang ( Dr., Prof., Loughborough University, UK

Ranjan Kumar Dahal (, Dr., Prof., Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Tingkai Nian (, Dr. Prof., Dalian University of Technology, China

Xiwei Xu (, Dr., Prof., National Institute of Natural Hazards, China

Yonggang Jia (, Dr. Prof., Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Geological Engineering, Ocean University of China, China



Xingsen Guo (, Dr., Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London, UK

Hong Zhang (, Dr., College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, China


Committee Members:

Aiguo Xing (, Dr., Prof., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Alessandro Leonardi (, Dr., Assistant Prof., The University of Sheffield

Baicheng Niu (, Dr., Qinghai Normal University, China

Bingbing Chen (, Dr., Dalian University of Technology, China

Chaoqi Zhu (, Dr., Ocean University of China, China

Chaosheng Tang (, Dr., Prof., Nanjing University, China

Cheng Zhang (, Dr., Dalian University of Technology, China

Chong Xu (, Dr., Prof., National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, China

Chongqiang Zhu (, Dr., Heriot-Watt University, UK

Chun Liu (, Dr., Prof., Nanjing University, China

Cong Hu (, Dr., Associate Prof., Ocean University of China, China

Cuiwei Fu (, Dr., China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., China

Dawei Wang (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, CAS, China

Fangzhou Liu (fangzhou.liu@ualberta), Dr., Prof., University of Aberta, Canada

Fei Han (, Dr., Prof., University of New Hampshire, USA

Guoliang Dai (, Dr., Prof., Southeast University, China

Hans-Balder Havenith (, Dr., ir., Liege University, Belgium

Hao Wu (, Dr., Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Haoyuan Liu (, Dr., Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway

Hong Zhang (, Dr., Ocean University of China, China

Hu Zheng (, Dr., Prof., Tongji University, China

Huafu Pei (, Dr., Prof., Dalian University of Technology, China

Jianhong Ye (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS, China

Jun Shen (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Disaster Prevention, China

Kai Gu (, Dr., Associate Prof., Nanjing University, China

Miaojun Sun (, Dr., Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, China

Nicola Casagli (, Dr., Prof., University of Florence, Italy

Ning Fan (, Dr., Wenzhou University, China

Ningning Zhang (, Dr., RWTH-Aachen University, Germany

Patrick Wassmer (, Dr., Prof., University of Strasbourg, France

Qianyu Luo (, Dr., University College London, UK

Qiuhua Liang (, Dr., Prof., Loughborough University, UK

Ranjan Kumar Dahal (, Dr., Prof., Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Renmao Yuan (, Dr., Prof., Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, China

Sandro Moretti (, Dr., Prof., University of Florence, Italy

Shaotong Zhang (, Dr., Associate Prof., Ocean University of China, China

Shengjie Rui (, Dr., Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Norway.

Shimei Wang (, Dr., Prof., China Three Gorges University, China

Tengyuan Zhao (, Dr., Associate Prof., Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Thian Lai Goh (, Dr., Prof., Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Tingkai Nian (, Dr. Prof., Dalian University of Technology, China

Wangcheng Zhang (, Dr., Durham University, UK

Wei Hu (, Dr., Prof., Chengdu Univerisity of Technology, China

Xiaolei Liu (, Dr. Prof., Ocean University of China, China

Xiaolong Song (, Dr., Dalian University of Technology, China

Xingsen Guo (, Dr., University College London, UK

Xiwei Xu (, Dr., Prof., National Institute of Natural Hazards, China

Xuesheng Qian (, Dr., Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Yan Liu (, Dr., Assistant Prof., Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Yanjun Zhang (, Dr., Wuhan Center, China Geological Survey, China

Yifei Cui (, Dr., Associate Prof., Tsinghua University, China

Yonggang Jia(, Dr. Prof., Ocean University of China, China

Yufeng Wang (, Dr., Associate Prof., Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Zhen Guo (, Dr., Associate Prof., Tongji University, China

Zhigang Shan (, Professor Engineer, Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited, China

Zili Dai (, Dr., Associate Prof., Shanghai University, China